Now available - 2018 calendars. Created from images of my original landscape and interior paintings. Waiting for arrival of Flower version, available at Collector's Eye, Stratham, NH or contact me here from my website.
At work in my barn loft work space... My happy place!
Currently working on a palette knife painting inspired by a photo taken at an inn we stayed at in Boothbay, Maine
"Dockside" Boothbay, Maine, 8x8" oil on canvas
Life Is Good....
Perfect day for Amesbury's Music In The Pines Event....Food, fun and great music to paint by!
"Bandstand In The Pines" Amesbury, MA, 8x10" oil on canvas panel
Enjoying a little painting on site at Amesbury library looking out to Main St.
Completed - Monday Morning Sunrise
After adding a few more tree branches in front of the house and scratching in a few more in the foreground, I think I'll call it a morning...
Work in progress - Peaceful Sunrise out my kitchen window
About an hour in and the sunrise has past...time to let it be and take a look later - I'm sure I'll want to adjust something
"Meadow View 1" Accepted to Newburyport Art Association's Winter Member's Juried Show 2017 - part one
Honored to have "Meadow View 1" accepted into Newburypoart Art Association's Winter Members Juried Show 2017 - part one. Featuring digital art, drawing, oil, printmaking, watercolor, the show runs from January 13 - February 4.
19 x 15 Palette knife oil on canvas
BELIEVING In The Magic of The Season!!!
So excited to have sold "Meadow View 2" while setting up for my Pop-Up Art Show taking place through the holiday season at Collector's Eye, Stratham, NH. It was a pleasure talking with the buyer about her love of atmospheric marsh / meadow scenes and how she is decorating a room around her collection....many thanks, it's such an honor and wonderful feeling to have "Meadow View 2" added to her collection.
Greeting notecards of original paintings also available.
Over The River and Through The Woods
At this time of THANKS
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to family, friends and customers for all your support and want you to know how thankful I am for following me in my doing what I love!
SHOP SMALL BUSINESS DAY - Saturday Nov. 26th
Enjoy a merry shopping experience for unique, one of a kind gifts this Saturday and throughout the season while supporting local small businesses. I presently have original oil paintings exhibited and for sale at:
- Newburyport Art Association's Holiday Show & Sale, Nov 25 - Dec 24th, 65 Water St.,Newburyport, MA
- Collector's Eye, 132 Portsmouth Ave, Stratham, NH
Notecards available at Collector's Eye, 132 Portsmouth Ave, Stratham, NH and Blue Wave Fine Art Gallery, 52 Main St., Amesbury, MA
"First Snowfall" View from my kitchen window of Rowe's Corner, Newton, NH
9"x 12" oil on panel in 4"W black with ant. gold liner frame
Available at Newburyport Art Association, 65 Water St., Newburyport, MA, 978-465-8769
Giclee Prints of Holiday Watercolors
First rime offered - giclee prints of original holiday watercolors done in and around my home, 8" x 10" images matted and framed, overall measures 13" x 16". Available at Collector's Eye, Stratham, NH, 603-772-6205 in addition to original oil paintings and notecards.